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Howl-O-Ween will host two scheduled competitions and will have several events for you and your dog to participate in at your leisure and as many times as you'd like! All events that are not scheduled at a specific time are just for fun. If you are interested in participating in a scheduled competition, be sure to stop by the registration table upon arriving at the event!




Best Trick at 4:00 PM

Come show off your dog's best trick! We will have contestants each perform their best trick and then have the audience vote on their favorite to pick a winner. Since we're Audiology nerds who love the science of sound and hearing, the crowd's response will be measured with a sound-level meter to measure their applause in decibels. Whichever trick gets the loudest applause will be dubbed the winner!


Costume Contest at 4:30 PM

What's Halloween without costumes?! Dress up your dog in their favorite costume and come out to compete for best costume! Even better if you dress up with your dog in coordinating costumes! Like Best Trick, a winner will be chosen using a sound-level meter and audience applause.





Obstacle Course

Does your dog have what it takes to complete our obstacle course? Come find out! Your dog will have to jump, tunnel, and weave to get through our course!


25 Yard Dash

Sit, stay, dash! Have your dog stay at the start line (or have someone hold them) while you dash to the finish line 25 yards away. Once there, call your dog and we'll see how fast your dog can dash down those 25 yards!


Home Run Commands

Baseball season might be over, but you can still score a home run! Our mini baseball field will have four spooky bases that you and your dog have to run to. At each base, you must stop and your dog must perform a trick. Hit all the bases and perform four different tricks to make a home run!


Frisbee Catch

How many frisbees can your dog catch in 60 seconds? Come to Howl-O-Ween and give it a shot! Frisbees will be provided, but you are welcome to bring your own if you'd prefer.


Toy Catch

Not a frisbee fan? Try our toy catch! Like the frisbee catch, we want to see how many times your dog can catch a toy in 60 seconds! We have some toys available for this event, but bring your dog's favorite if you think it'll improve their game!


Toy Retrieve

On your mark, get set, retrieve! Toss a toy and see how quickly your dog can bring it back (or run away with it, we won't judge)! We will have select toys available to use for this event, but bring your own if your dog has a favorite!


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